Journal Entries

Learn about the topics that matter to the BTH Staff and Community as they write about their personal life and interests in an honest and casual way.


A Bridge Too Far For Some..

Giving without expecting anything in return isn’t for everyone; we all lead busy lives and need our “head space” time, so this isn’t an issue,

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Dog Fur Problems ?

A few solutions I have found to help in my life: Improving my Labrador’s Coat Logan always had a beautiful coat with not much fur

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Sunday Thoughts

Just chatting with PS, my South African friend about yesterday’s match and Peter Steph du Toit’s (PSDT) performance which earnt him the “man of the

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To sleep—perchance to dream. Ay, there’s the rub! For those of you who quiz, where does this line come from? The idea of writing about

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