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Join The Behind the Hilt, a vibrant community for armed forces, veterans, their families, and friends, supported by caring individuals. Here, you can create a profile, join groups, and interact in a safe space that promotes mutual support and boosts morale. Enjoy free access to educational articles, links to helpful organizations, and resources from specialist companies, all aimed at assisting you through challenges and planning for a successful future. Sign up today and connect with those who share your journey and care about the same issues.
Explore recent interactions and updates in our community. Stay informed and engaged with the latest posts and discussions from members.

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We are inspired by a powerful Japanese concept: Ikigai, the reason for being that fuels our passions and motivations. We blend this philosophy with a core value deeply rooted in rugby: Respect.

Learn about the topics that matter to the BTH Staff and Community as they write about their personal life and interests in an honest and casual way.