Journal Entries

Learn about the topics that matter to the BTH Staff and Community as they write about their personal life and interests in an honest and casual way.


Relationships Can Change

So what I hope will be a final postscript to this crazy week is a reminder to everyone that circumstances change, as do people’s feelings

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Toxic Relationships

It really seems to have been a strange week for many people. To give two examples two guys have contacted me today to discuss their

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Private Messaging

So today as is often the case, I’ve been private messaged and to cut a long story short, it was another married guy looking for

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I had some bad news last night: LL, someone I had met in a UK online group sadly passed away last week. Another member who

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Evolving As A Person?

Have you ever found yourself wondering why people you spent so much fun time with in the past suddenly just seem not to be your

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