You Can Run, But Can You Hide?
Let’s take a hypothetical case of Company A, based in California where state laws are quite strict, decides to relocate to another state like say
Learn about the topics that matter to the BTH Staff and Community as they write about their personal life and interests in an honest and casual way.
Let’s take a hypothetical case of Company A, based in California where state laws are quite strict, decides to relocate to another state like say
Earlier this month, I had a very moving conversation with a lovely lady whose father served in the RAF; we were connected by a mutual
Martyn’s Law, so named after Martyn Hett, one of the 22 victims of the Manchester Arena bombing is a law due to come into effect
I attended a webinar this morning on the new UK laws, which became effective on the 26th October 2024 under the Worker Protection (Amendment of
I am sometimes asked about the process that the medical drugs undergo before they can be prescribed to us by our medical professionals, so here
The importance of making a will came up in conversation in a recent networking event; it’s something quite a few of us are not happy
In general, businesses have the right to refuse service to customers or reject orders under certain circumstances, but there are legal and ethical considerations to
Reading through a BBC report on the court appearances of a defendant’s relatives as part of the US investigations into fraud this week, I was
I found myself having to scrape ice off the car’s windscreen on Sunday, a sobering reminder that winter is on its way and with it
From 1st October 2023 there will be additional bans and restrictions on single-use plastic items. The upcoming ban includes polystyrene cups and food containers, single