Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave….

November 3, 2023

Reading through a BBC report on the court appearances of  a defendant’s relatives  as part of the US investigations into fraud this week, I was a little surprised to see that one of them commented that he gets  thousands of calls a day and did not remember a call, albeit from a few years ago, relating to state fraud.

Which begs the following questions:
1. Assuming he works an 18 hour day, times 60 minutes = 1,080 minutes.
Let’s take a figure of 2,000 calls (based on his statement, just being conservative here!), then he must spend 0.54 of a minute (just over 30 seconds) per call.
So how does he fit in having a drink, eating or even using the toilet?
Maybe he’s like Margaret Thatcher and only needs 4 hours sleep a night…

2. Is this person not senior enough to have a secretary to handle his calls?

3. Is he so used to being accused of fraud that he cannot remember a call about this? I know if I got a call from HMRC about fraud, it would scare the living daylights out of me and whilst I may not recall exact times and dates, it’s not something I would forget.

Oh to have been a fly on the wall during that session in court.

You would think this person would have been better briefed…


Social Responsibility

Did You Eat The Chocolate?

We’ve all been that child, shaking our head from side to side when asked if we ate the chocolate off the Christmas tree whilst not

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