Bucket List Holiday – The Maldives

September 22, 2023

I know it’s cliche, but I really would love to go to the Maldives and spend a few days completely unplugged from the world with just my kindle (got to read all those books I bought when the last Amazon ebook 99p sale was on).

I know friends who went there after the end of a work assignment they were at in Dubai – it really isn’t far. They were there for 5 days and loved it.

I’ve always loved being by the sea; probably from the days when my parents moved back to a small island in the Adaman Sea. Most days we would all pile into the car and head off to a beach where we rarely saw any other humans. The sand was white and you could paddle watching small fish swim about.  I miss those days of falling asleep to the sound of crickets and waking up to watch the local miniature deer and monkeys come down to play as the sun set.

People have warned me that I will get bored, but I’m not so sure. To be honest, just having no responsibilities and nothing to do for a few days sounds pretty perfect.


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