Saturday Sounds: 3rd August 2024

August 3, 2024

Our first meeting was such a fun filled day, but my best memory was when we were in the bar before I got my train home. I wish I could remember what I said, but you turned to the left and grinned...

We are all living fast paced lives, trying to fit in work, home and personal things and sometimes it's hard to take that minute for ourselves. Keeping happy / content costs nothing but we have to make time for it ourselves and take that five minute break to introspect.

Happiness, a positive emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment, has numerous benefits that extend to various aspects of life, including physical health, mental well-being, relationships, and productivity. Here are some reasons why being happy is important:

1. Physical Health Benefits
  • Stronger Immune System: Happiness and positive emotions are linked to a stronger immune system, which can help protect against illnesses and infections.
  • Reduced Stress: Happiness helps reduce levels of stress hormones like cortisol, lowering the risk of stress-related health issues such as high blood pressure and heart disease.
  • Longer Lifespan: Studies have shown that happier individuals tend to live longer, likely due to a combination of better health behaviors and lower stress levels.
2. Mental and Emotional Well-being
  • Improved Mental Health: Happiness is associated with lower rates of depression and anxiety. Positive emotions can act as a buffer against mental health issues.
  • Resilience: Happier people are generally more resilient, meaning they can bounce back from challenges and setbacks more effectively.
  • Positive Outlook: A happy disposition fosters a positive outlook on life, making it easier to cope with difficulties and find joy in everyday experiences. The "glass is half full" phrase is so cliche, but it works for me. That and remembering that we all go through bad periods and there is always light at the end of the tunnel which isn't an incoming train.
3. Enhanced Relationships
  • Better Social Connections: Happiness promotes social connections and friendships. Happy people tend to attract others, creating a supportive and positive social network.
  • Stronger Relationships: Positive emotions enhance empathy, compassion, and understanding, contributing to healthier and more fulfilling relationships. We are less likely to get triggered if we are content.
4. Increased Productivity and Success
  • Higher Productivity: Happy individuals are often more motivated, engaged, and productive in their work. They tend to be more creative and perform better in problem-solving tasks.
  • Success and Achievement: While happiness contributes to success, the reverse is also true—achieving goals and experiencing success can increase happiness, creating a positive feedback loop. Even taking time to sort a kitchen cupboard and throw out old tins and spices makes a difference.
5. Personal Growth and Fulfillment
  • Self-Acceptance: Happiness is linked to a greater sense of self-acceptance and self-worth, which are essential for personal growth and development.
  • Life Satisfaction: Being happy contributes to overall life satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment, making individuals feel that their lives are meaningful and worthwhile. This is particularly important for us Mums because when our kids are small, we often don't see what we have achieved.
6. Positive Impact on Society
  • Altruism and Generosity: Happier individuals are more likely to engage in altruistic behaviors, volunteering, and helping others, which contributes positively to society.
  • Positive Social Influence: Happy people can positively influence those around them, promoting a more positive and cooperative social environment. Finding that friend who can make you giggle is so important.
7. Emotional Balance and Well-being
  • Emotional Regulation: Happiness is associated with better emotional regulation, enabling individuals to manage their emotions effectively and maintain emotional balance.
  • Reduced Negative Emotions: While happiness doesn’t eliminate negative emotions, it can reduce their intensity and frequency, leading to a more balanced emotional life. Yes it's too easy to focus on what's going wrong at times, but when I press the pause button, it's not too hard before something can make me smile. even if it's watching our 15 year old cat chase a fly in the room.
For me, the easiest thing to do is put on a favourite track and dance, but just taking my pup for a walk has the same effect. It's been great weather recently so just sitting outside and smelling my roses is special. Whatever works for you, please make the time and take five (Dave Brubeck style if that genre appeals!); it really does charge up the internal battery too, so well worth it!
Today this song is for you Pooh Bear: yes your smile still makes me smile...
Well Being

Doom Scrolling on Social Media

I find myself quite often discussing the issue of “doom scrolling”, an increasing addiction which is not getting much coverage outside of lectures on mental

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