Prime Video to Add More Advertisements in 2025 !

October 4, 2024

I’ve just seen that Amazon Prime will be increasing the number of its advertisements next year because less people than expected left when they introduced ads… Here is a link to the article in the FT (with apologies if the link is deactivated after a while);

Like many others, I am starting to question my value for Amazon Prime given it’s gone up about 30% since I first started my account and the value I get from paying for this service. Yes the overnight delivery really is useful to have in my lifestyle, but I am sure that overnight delivery is available (at a price of course) if I am in dire straits and maybe it will force me to be a bit more foreward thinking in my regular purchases.

Do I really want to sit down and work out the financial implications of leaving Prime v just moving my Prime Video viewing to an ad blocking browser such as Duck Duck go. I’ve seen someone on LinkedIn speak about installing an ad blocker at router level but I’ll have to check with my IT guru first.

I rarely watch terrestial TV now, other than sport and the very occasional University Challenge if I happen to be back from Pilates class in time and show that someone has recommended, but that is more related to the lack of interest in reality and shock TV.

However, I do take the point someone made that unless people vote with their feet, we will continue to merge towards a point where  adverts will just become a norm. Life is short enough without us being subjected to a one way traffic bombardment beyond our control; it’s not acceptable !

Watching films and other shows is supposed to be our free time and it’s valuable. If anything, surely Amazon should be paying US to watch the adverts?

How do you feel about being forced to watch adverts as part of your subscription service to Amazon? Will the addition of even more adverts make you walk away?


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