Big Brother is Watching Us Online…

October 1, 2024

So Paul (my South African friend) and I were chewing the cud so to speak over lunch and he brought up the fact that Sacha FM’s knee injury is likely to keep him out of the autumn internationals which is a shame as it would have been great to see him play.

Sacha’s injury was something he kept back from his coaches after the first match against the ABs and it wasn’t until after the game that he was excluded from selection, but our conversation continued with Paul saying that sports professionals can’t afford to make short term decisions about their playing ability and we moved onto recalling other players who had been sidelined due to a moment of madness.

I mentioned a nutritionist who came to the forefront of news a couple of years ago due to her very loud sessions with a married player from the team and PS posted a picture of her saying she was hot. About half an hour later, I went onto the work Insta and lo and behold, the first post was the account of said nutritionist with the “suggested for you” to follow label.

According to AI:

WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption for all messages, which means that only the sender and recipient can read the messages, and even WhatsApp itself cannot access the content. This encryption ensures that messages are private and not stored in a readable format by WhatsApp.

However, WhatsApp does collect metadata, such as information about who is communicating, the time of messages, and device details. This metadata can be shared with Facebook (its parent company) and potentially with government authorities if legally required.

While the contents of the conversations remain encrypted, any data outside the message content itself, like metadata or backups (if saved on Google Drive or iCloud), may not be as secure.

All well and good, but how does this explain what happened to me… is there such a thing as coincidence any more online?

I don’t use WA for anything other than chatting with mates, nothing confidential but just a note of warning to you all in case you are using it for business or similar.

Have you had anything similar happen to you?

Well Being

Doom Scrolling on Social Media

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