Domestic Abuse Charity Let Down

January 21, 2025

Yesterday, I learnt of a local charity that supports people trying to get away from domestic abuse has had its funding cut by the council a couple of days ago. Yes the latter is having huge problems of its own, probably due to number of legacy issues which started when they saw the need to pull down a lovely old victorian property to make way for a new £3m building which is now up for sale and remains unsold. The end result is that the charity now has to find alternative sources of funding before April …

Raising of business rates has resulted in empty shops and some businesses have to still pay for their own bin collections or are subject to higher rates due to their perceived “prime” status on the high street. When you add recently introduced parking charges around the town (higher if you park closer to the centre and with a surcharge payable if you use the parking in one area… !), not to mention the potholes that just get filled time and time again because their sub contractors clearly don’t care that the hole actually goes several feet down – it’s repeat business for them after all – who kills the goose that keeps laying golden eggs.

Am I the only person who feels that it is morally wrong for people, through no fault of their own, have to endure daily mental, emotional and sometimes physical abuse, without support ? The issue is even greater when there are children involved; things must be really dire when the council feels no longer able to consider the long term impact on the mental health of all affected by domestic abuse. I wonder what other work has been prioritised and who has taken those decisions?

As this domestic abuse charity supports veterans and their families, I’ve signposted them to some Forces charities and hope that they will be able to get some help from these national organisations. Fingers crossed !


Photo by Lukas Juhas

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