If We Apply Social Media Algorithms to the Real World – Part 2

March 2, 2025

The Drug Dealer Who Calls It “Medicine”

Imagine a pharmaceutical company that claims to offer “personalized medicine” but is actually handing out addictive and harmful drugs without warnings.

They start with mild stimulants but quickly escalate to dangerous substances that then start to cause side effects and really affect our quality of life. When confronted, they say, “We’re just giving people what they want.”

Social media algorithms do the same: They push harmful, radicalizing, and exploitative content under the guise of “personalization” while refusing accountability. The end result can mean we are creating a generation of smart phone zombies…

Our kids don’t need to sniff it or smoke it, the drug of this century is on a smartphone in their pocket.

Photo by GRAS GRÜN


6N Round Four

  To say that the lads were inspired today is an understatement! We found the Irish pot of gold and stole five coins which takes

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