The Factory That Pollutes While Claiming to Be Green
Think of a company that builds a recycling facility and claims it’s “eco-friendly” because they have used local building materials and not destroyed any animal habitats etc.
But behind the scenes, they’re dumping toxic waste into the river and pumping pollutants into the air—harming local communities, inhabitants and wildlife, while insisting, “We support sustainability!”
Some online companies follow the same playbook: They promise safety, community standards, and well-being, but their algorithms actively promote harm—from child exploitation to radicalization to self-harm content—all in the name of engagement.
Social media is awesome and has so many benefits but uncontrolled expansion of its negative elements have allowed for a giant boil to grow on the side of many sites.
If you feel strongly that this is not OK, join the many thousands not only in the UK, but around the world. Reach out to the PMs and parents who are campaigning for a safer internet for us all.
Photo by Thijs Stoop