Life’s Disappointments

September 14, 2023

We can end up feeling disappointed from time to time: from not getting the job we wanted to seeing our kids not get the grades they needed. But when this happens, people can often get bogged down if this has resulted from either a relationship or business venture failing.

It’s possible that when things go wrong in these situations that we dwell on the fact that things are over. Yes, you’re entitled to feel that sadness; acknowledge the situation and be thankful for the things that you experienced. Instead of focussing on the fact that Covid lockdowns ended up in your business having to close because it relied on daily customers, remind yourself of how many times you were waiting in the queue at the bank waiting to pay in the day’s takings or the smile on a regular customer’s face when they saw you. Your business didn’t fail because you were at fault.

The failure of a business can sometimes teach you what you were not so good at and will allow you to refine your next venture or have something interesting to talk about at a job interview-that little fact that makes you stand out from the rest: yes because you got back on your feet !

Maybe you need some training in the area you can now see that you were weak in; perhaps it was a mistake to trust that business investor who wasn’t quite the right fit. Maybe another business owner here can help you with answers, so don’t be afraid to reach out.

In any personal relationship, we need a partner who balances us, but look back to see who you are allowing into our home life. We can sometimes attract people who treat us as we treat ourselves. Women who have experienced abuse growing up as a child can both see themselves as not worthy or even seek to replace the abuse they experienced growing up in an adult relationship – be careful who you let in. Ask yourself why you are seeing shaking heads from close friends and family when you speak about someone, or perhaps more importantly, why are you hiding a relationship with someone from close friends and family? .

I used to say to people that I couldn’t forgive, but that is something I have learnt to do. I recognised that I needed to forgive in order to free myself from the burden of negativity. It does not mean that you say it’s ok that you were ripped off by someone, but leave the burden of stealing to that person. This may sound strange at first and may take some time to process, but believe me that the end result is quite liberating …