Saturday Sounds: 19th October 2024

October 19, 2024

Neighbours – The Family on the Lane

This track is dedicated to M, our long suffering quiz team captain; it came up in conversation on Thursday night when it was one of the songs in the music section (her real forte). It’s one of her favourite films and it’s certainly one that has pride of place in the Comedy section of my DVD shelf.

I have great neighbours, especially my “fabulous group ones” – they look out for me and have always been there for emergency support when needed. We’ve had some great nights playing board games and even driving back from the quiz, S had us in stitches with his synopsis of past misadventures with celebrities.

Today is the 10 year anniverary of a mishap with some pink fluorescent paint recounting the best assets of a certain former celebrity; yes S, you need to write a book about all of the stories that you have recounted to us over the months. Who would have known that I live next door to someone who has stroked Cheryl Cole’s hair, gone camping with Keith Chegwin and I can’t remember where Trevor McDonald came in, was that with the lift or was that someone else ?!

We all need that “family” around us; the people we know have our back and will drop what they are doing when we reach out for help. Life in the western world in particular seems to want to push children out of the nest to make their own life and we often end up living in different areas spread around the country or even other side of the world!

In our caveman days, history teaches us that groups survived by congregating together, later on forming villages around land they farmed and reared animals on. We are better together and at times, feeling isolated can lead to negativity. Having a community in real life where you can be there for each other means that you have that back up when needed, from someone to help you move a piece of furniture to some people you can chill with in front of a fire on a Saturday night.

Have a Fabulous one everyone !





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