Reasons To Be Cheerful : Good Neighbours

December 22, 2024

Yesterday saw my fourth night of fun in a row which had started with the annual Quiz night dinner and post prandial frolics with the proceeds of our winnings from the year. It was a shame two of our team couldn’t make it on the night due to grandparenting duties, but we had a great meal.

Saturday was the annual mulled wine and mince pie night organised by our quiz team treasurer; it was good to have some catch ups with people I’d not seen for a few weeks and we were all challenged with a round up of the year quiz (didn’t do too well, but it was fun!)

However, my highlight of the night has to be a very witty alternative version to the lyrics of this song, compiled by our host’s son. When things go wrong in our life and we can’t control them, it can get frustrating, so it may help to find an outlet like this.

It did make us all laugh and made me smile again this morning when I woke up 🙂