Rugby World Cup #5

September 22, 2023

It’s hard waking up knowing someone you care about has been injured.

This morning, I reached out for my mobile first thing hoping for good news which I knew was totally unrealistic.

Last night, we played well, albeit against a team that, whilst it is considered the 2nd best team in Africa (according to a SA friend of mine in a rugby group), has so far struggled against the other teams it has faced. It was nice to see one of the lads from our victorious World Cup U20 team score 2 tries. But there were none of the usual post match celebrations.

Life throws us these curved balls, often through no fault of our own. I think “me” this time 2 years ago would have needed to bawl my eyes out and let it overshadow a lot of my day.

I’ve teared up, but accepted that he won’t be back playing for at least 4 weeks and if we don’t make it out of the quarter finals, then his dream is over for another 4 years.

A really good team will lose the rugby world cup final at the end of October, because the other side were just better on the day.

We all have these dreams, but sometimes our long terms negotiations with a potential new client aren’t successful and at that point, it’s too easy to think about what we have done wrong, so remember:

  • If we were that bad, the client wouldn’t have carried on engaging with us
  • Perhaps they will share what it was that meant we didn’t make the cut

Injuries heal, there is new business to be had elsewhere and we should focus on that.

I’m learning to turn my attention onto things that I can influence on a daily basis.