Saturday Sounds: 27th April 2024

April 27, 2024

This is for all of you who,  like me, still love a great dance tune, even if we are no longer clubbing three or more times a week as we did in our twenties.

On a non heavy play night, we used to start at a cocktail bar in Covent Garden (whose name will hopefully come back to me one day…!) for happy hour and then amble our way across to Stringfellows, where it was generally free admittance for the ladies during the early part of the week.

The dance floor used to open up after 22h but you could always have fun chatting with random people by the bar. I can’t remember many of them, but I suspect many of them were bored husbands who were only too happy to buy drinks for the ladies and being naive, we were happy to accept because the only price to pay was to have a dance with them later, which, given we knew all the staff was never going to end in anything untoward.

These days, my dancing is mainly restricted to the kitchen, while I cook, but that’s ok. I hope you do too…

And a special thought goes out to Fam, who has lost a friend this week. Hugs mon poto.


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