Saturday Sounds: 18 November 2023

November 18, 2023

When you’ve suffered a loss in life, it really unsettles you and it’s quite normal to need time to get yourself back on track again.

This week has been really hard for me; I miss seeing Lucy at the bottom of the stairs every morning with her tail wagging. Even in her last days, she was always there; it was her routine. Before she got poorly she would often porpoise in the air first thing in the morning; those of you with pups will know what I mean. It made me smile each time.

With grateful thanks to everyone who has messaged, called, sent flowers and invited me over.




A Bridge Too Far For Some..

Giving without expecting anything in return isn’t for everyone; we all lead busy lives and need our “head space” time, so this isn’t an issue,

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Work Life

What is a B Corp ?

I’ve heard the term bandied around for a while, but today I was in a break out room with someone who mentioned that they were

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