Saturday Sounds : 22nd June 2024

June 22, 2024


For those who just listen to the music but don’t pay attention to the words (yes that was vey early me way beyond my teenager years – either it was a song to dance to or cry over after a romantic breakup…), some  people think this is about a love  gone wrong but if you listen to the lyrics, it conjures up different thoughts.

Chasing cars could be either seen as pursuing goals we will never achieve because they will always elude us or the complete opposite; encouraging us to chase our dreams.

I have found throughout life that some people will always try to make you stay in the “normal” lane, whilst others will encourage you to push yourself and see what you can achieve if you just keep moving forward.

I guess it’s also about how you were brought up and subsequently have been influenced in life which then determines if you see the glass as “half full” or “half empty”.

So what does this song mean to you?


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