Saturday Sounds: 26th October 2024

October 26, 2024

While there are more than seven teams taking part in this year’s autumn internationals, it’s still a great track, inspired by seeing Ant Middleton’s social media post about his book launch earlier in the week. I can remember the rugby lads setting up a play list for pre match and this one often features so it just seemed appropriate for the launch of this series of matches.

I won’t be setting up an alarm to wake up this morning for the ABs v Cherry Blossoms, but no doubt my body clock will wake me up, as it often does when I know something nice is happening the next day.

The only negative will have to be setting up a subscription to Discovery Sport in order to watch all the matches (another £30.99 outgoing, but I guess that’s cheaper than paying for any international ticket-always look on the bright side of life…). Not an option for families who are struggling and neither is the suggestion to go to the pub and watch it there either – who wants to nurse a glass of soda for three hours. If anyone wants to start a campaign for all rugby matches to be available on one channel (which can rotate each year if that’s what the powers that be want); count me and many of my mates in to sign that petition !

The clocks go back tonight – always nice waking up on a Sunday morning with that extra hour, but I always find myself wondering whether my digital radio clock automatically is saying the “old” time or has changed … and yes I will have forgotten by the time they go forward again next year.

Have a great weekend everyone 🙂






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