Saturday Sounds 8th July 2023

July 8, 2023

Got all the stable work done early and had a lovely day catching up with my friend who has breast cancer. She was diagnosed about 18 months ago and had a single mastectomy followed by chemotherapy and radiation.

I’ve seen her go through some really tough times, and she’s pulled herself through it all; another survivor of domestic upset with a husband who we all thought was fun, caring and generally a good guy.

It wasn’t until he invertedly put on a video of what he thought was our kids school sports day only to find that he had left two neighbours watching a recording of him entertaining two young ladies in his son’s playroom…

We’ve walked along the canal and had a lovely chat with a family that had just pulled up on their boat complete with a British bulldog called Winston. Needless to say he got a lot of fuss.


A Bridge Too Far For Some..

Giving without expecting anything in return isn’t for everyone; we all lead busy lives and need our “head space” time, so this isn’t an issue,

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Work Life

What is a B Corp ?

I’ve heard the term bandied around for a while, but today I was in a break out room with someone who mentioned that they were

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