Saturday Sounds : 8th June 2024

June 8, 2024

Let’s talk about days gone by as we remember the legend of Rob Burrow today across both League and Premiership finals to the images of veterans gathering to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D day landings, thoughts turn to what we remember from our life and the events and people who have made a mark on us…

Here’s a bit about the science behind it:

Memories are the mental processes and representations that allow individuals to store, retrieve, and use information from past experiences. They are fundamental to learning, identity, and overall cognitive functioning. Here’s a deeper look into what memories are and how they function:

Types of Memories

  1. Sensory Memory:
    • Function: Briefly retains information from the sensory organs (sight, sound, touch, etc.) for a very short duration, typically a few seconds.
    • Example: The fleeting image you see when you blink your eyes.
  2. Short-Term (Working) Memory:
    • Function: Holds a small amount of information in an active, readily accessible state for a short period, typically around 20-30 seconds.
    • Example: Remembering a phone number long enough to dial it.
  3. Long-Term Memory:
    • Function: Stores information for extended periods, from hours to a lifetime.
    • Subtypes:
      • Explicit (Declarative) Memory: Conscious memories that can be verbally articulated. Includes episodic (personal experiences) and semantic (facts and general knowledge) memories.
      • Implicit (Non-Declarative) Memory: Unconscious memories that influence behavior and skills, such as procedural memory (how to perform tasks) and emotional conditioning.

Processes Involved in Memory

  1. Encoding:
    • Definition: The process of converting sensory input into a form that can be stored in the brain.
    • Factors: Attention, emotional significance, and repetition can affect how well information is encoded.
  2. Storage:
    • Definition: The maintenance of encoded information over time.
    • Types: Short-term storage and long-term storage, with the latter involving more stable and enduring memory traces.
  3. Retrieval:
    • Definition: The process of accessing and bringing stored information into conscious awareness.
    • Types: Recall (retrieving without cues) and recognition (identifying information with cues).

Neuroscientific Basis of Memory

  • Brain Regions Involved:
    • Hippocampus: Critical for forming new episodic memories and consolidating short-term memories into long-term ones.
    • Amygdala: Involved in emotional memories.
    • Prefrontal Cortex: Associated with working memory and decision-making.
    • Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia: Important for procedural memories and motor skills.

Factors Affecting Memory

  • Age: Memory abilities can decline with age, particularly working memory and episodic memory.
  • Health: Conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, stress, and depression can impair memory.
  • Lifestyle: Adequate sleep, regular physical exercise, and a healthy diet can support better memory function.

Importance of Memories

  • Learning: Memories are essential for accumulating knowledge and skills.
  • Identity: Personal memories contribute to a sense of self and continuity over time.
  • Decision-Making: Past experiences guide current choices and behaviors.

So here’s to memories; to live in the hearts of those who have touched us is to carry on the essence of their part in our life. Whether it’s a parent who has died or that relationship you had to walk away from, miss them in a way that honours the person they were and your individual connection with them; cherish every moment that made you smile and still does today, even if it’s through tears.

So tell me Pooh Bear, if we had the chance to do it all again, would you… ?


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