The Importance of Keeping People Up To Date

August 22, 2024

Today has been a reminder of our responsabilities to keep everyone involved in our life abreast of things that affect them.

imagine coming home on a Friday night and finding that your girlfriend isn’t there or not hearing from another organisation in relation to something they had been in discussion with you about… You’re left wondering what’s going on which causes stress (not good for neither mind nor body) and we worry.

We hate when this happens to us, but how often do we remember to just update someone? I really doesn’t take much to sent a text or a quick email. Even if things have changed and we are no longer able to work on a previously discussed project, it is just courtesy to let others involved know. You may think that it’s ok to leave people hanging or you don’t want to let them down, but believe me you are doing them far more harm in not being honest. If people are not informed about what is going on, it can lead to several negative effects across various aspects of society, from personal relationships to broader societal impacts such as:

1. Misinformation and Rumors

  • Spread of Misinformation: When people are not kept informed, they may rely on speculation or rumors, which can lead to the spread of false information.
  • Confusion and Uncertainty: Lack of clear information creates confusion and uncertainty, making it difficult for people to make informed decisions.

2. Distrust and Erosion of Relationships

  • Loss of Trust: When people feel that they are being deliberately kept in the dark, it can lead to a loss of trust in those responsible for providing information, whether that be leaders, managers, or loved ones.
  • Strained Relationships: In personal relationships, not sharing important information can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and conflicts.

3. Reduced Cooperation and Engagement

  • Lack of Buy-In: People are less likely to support decisions or initiatives when they don’t understand the reasoning behind them. This can lead to reduced cooperation and lower morale.
  • Disengagement: If individuals feel excluded from important information, they may become disengaged, apathetic, or resistant to participating in collective efforts.

4. Poor Decision-Making

  • Informed Decisions: Not having access to relevant information hampers people’s ability to make informed decisions, leading to potentially harmful outcomes for themselves or others.
  • Delayed Responses: In situations where timely action is needed, lack of information can cause delays, worsening the situation.

5. Social and Civic Implications

  • Erosion of Democratic Processes: In a democratic society, withholding information from the public undermines transparency and accountability, leading to an erosion of democratic principles.
  • Increased Polarization: Lack of shared information can exacerbate divisions within communities, as different groups may operate based on different sets of (often incomplete or biased) information.

6. Heightened Anxiety and Stress

  • Fear of the Unknown: Not knowing what is happening can create anxiety, stress, and fear, especially in crisis situations.
  • Sense of Helplessness: Being left in the dark can make people feel powerless, leading to a sense of helplessness and frustration.

7. Loss of Control and Autonomy

  • Reduced Autonomy: People who are not informed may feel that they have lost control over their circumstances, which can negatively affect their mental health and well-being.
  • Disempowerment: Withholding information can be a way to control or manipulate people, leading to a sense of disempowerment.

8. Legal and Ethical Consequences

  • Breach of Duty: In professional or legal contexts, not providing necessary information can be seen as a breach of duty, potentially leading to legal consequences.
  • Ethical Violations: Withholding information that others have a right to know can be considered unethical, damaging the reputation and integrity of those involved.

9. Missed Opportunities

  • Inefficiency: Without the right information, opportunities for improvement, innovation, or collaboration may be missed.
  • Wasted Resources: Efforts and resources may be misallocated due to a lack of shared information, leading to inefficiencies.


A lack of transparency can have far-reaching consequences, damaging trust, reducing effectiveness, and fostering a climate of fear and suspicion. Open communication, transparency, and information-sharing are essential for healthy relationships, effective decision-making, and cohesive communities.




Well Being

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