Favourite Christmas Movies

December 11, 2023

In two weeks’ time it was will be Christmas day, so I guess it’s about time to give in and start indulging.

So here it my list of gloriously corny Christmas movies in reverse order of preference at the moment:

6th:  Die Hard 1988
Yes the original movie, with Bruce Willis looking at his best. One for a late evening; you know what’s going to happen but it’s still entertaining!

5th: While You Were Sleeping
Feel good movie with Sandra Bullock that still makes me smile. Who can’t help falling in love with Peter’s family !

4th: The Holiday
For me, both a great chick flic, but also a reminder that sometimes the best person for us may lie outside of our usual “type”. Ladies, be open …!

3rd: White Christmas
The original top movie for me, something I’ve watched with my parents, so quite nostalgic.

2nd: Love Actually
A great pastiche of the holiday season featuring many great actors; what’s not to like ?!

1st: Miracle on 34th Street
Magic and romance – perfect for a night in front of the log burner.

What’s your favourite Christmas movie?


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