Your New Website

February 26, 2024

We had quite a few people asking questions about websites last night during a regular military network meeting. So here’s a summary of the main things you can bear in mind when thinking about your website/considering changing.

  1. Domain Name
    This is really key and isn’t something you can pluck out thin air.  Your business name online may already be taken which leaves you with the option of considering a lower domain extension and disregard the risk of your customers getting confused if they land on the other company’s site or you could start from scratch.
    AI can help you with suggested names or you could just brain storm with staff and/or friends. Whatever you pick, think about how it’s written and what the initials could stand for,
    For example a lifestyle domain name called “Per Viva” sounds great, but will read as perviva …
  2. Registering Your Domain Name
    It’s vital that you do this registration / purchase online yourself and it’s worth checking introductory offers from the various domain sellers. Never let your domain name be bought by your web design team or you could end up getting overcharged at renewal time.
  3. Payment
    When you pay for your domain name, set up the renewals via a system such as Paypal which should minimise the risk of your payment not being processed if your credit card has expired or been renewed etc.
    You don’t want to run the risk of your domain name being bought by someone who then tries to sell it back to you for £mega or used as a screen landing page for porn…
  4. What Do You Need from Your Website?
    Do you just need a few pages which outline what your company is about or are you selling products and need a more complex set up including a method of taking payments from customers who buy online?Do bear in mind that most websites are built with “plug ins” now, so unless you’re someone who is particularly finicky about wanting text and/or images at specific points on your site, this can be done very quickly. Those of you who have tried using online website builders will know what I mean.Speak to as many companies who provide websites as you can; ask each one how many hours they will take. Not only will this allow you to scope how long it will take for your site to go live but you can also compare hourly rates.
  5. Ongoing Maintenance
    How hands on are you in terms of websites?
    How many revisions/ additions do you envisage having to make each month/year?
    Plug ins need regular updates (just like the browser ones on your PC), so overall, it may be better to negotiate an annual maintenance with your website builder.
  6. Website Hosting
    Make sure that your company pays directly for this so you retain control. You also need to ensure that only you have access to the control  panel; your website maintenance team can be added as admin.
  7. Reach Out
    If you need a chat to someone about any of this, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help.