Saturday Sounds: 17th February 2024

February 17, 2024

A different take on this iconic song as I head towards la Ville Rose, so named because of the colour of the pinkish colour stone that is so characteristic of Toulouse.

A time to take a break and be cared for is special when you’ve lost your parents and there is no one you can turn to for that long hug and fuss. This isn’t to say my friends don’t care, but they all have busy lives; I’ve been blessesd to be gathered up by a family there. As the Mum told me: “you’ve been a good friend to my son when he has needed it, so I am here for you now”.

Going there does feel like home, it’s rural and reminds me of living in Doynton where my parents moved to after leaving Paris. Time feels slower in the countryside and even though it will be cold, it won’t matter, although I won’t be sitting by the pool !

I am so looking forward to just kicking back and doing nothing for a bit. There is some rugby going on too, so I guess I will have to endure…