Friday 13th

September 13, 2024

It never occured to me that today was Friday 13th until I saw people talking about it in chat. Some are deliberately not going out today in case anything bad happens to them.

I was reminded of a conversation with someone who is into their numerology and said that the number 13 actually a lucky number, contrary to popular belief. A quick check online came up with the following:

In Numerology, the number 13 has many meanings. By some it is considered to be the ‘sacred number’ and is considered to be a very karmic number in Numerology. The Number 13 is associated with the divine, and is said to bring good luck and prosperity to those who embrace it.

Again according to information online, it appears that in both Christian and Norse religion, both Judas and Loki have given the number 13 a bad name due to their attendance at a reunion which then resulted in the death of Jesus and the Norse god Balder.

Credance to the belief in the unlucky nature of the number 13 is reflected globally as some airlines and hotels don’t have a 13th row / floor. I always did wonder about this though: at the end of the day, even if seat rows and floors aren’t labelled as number 13, does this mean they are exempt from the associated bad luck ?

Horror fans will more than likely associate Friday 13th with the horror franchise of the same name which included twelve films, a series, video game and various comic books. I have to admit that I have watched most of the films – it’s easy to have a binge and be doing a pile of ironing.

So is Friday 13th really bad luck or do we just associate anything bad that happens to fall on a Friday 13th as re-enforcing our belief that the day is unlucky ?

Have you had anything weird happen to you on Friday 13th?

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