Managing Our Expectations at Work

September 28, 2023

Following on from an earlier post, I wanted to raise the issue of us recognising why we are changing something in our life, but most importantly the need to understand that we should not pin all our hopes on this.

You may need to leave a job, because you don’t get on with your current manager. This is what you need to do to remove some stress from your life, but moving to another role is no guarantee that you won’t have other problems; these may be manageable, such as having to travel further, but equally you won’t know what the new role involves fully until you have been there for a while. You may face similar issues or worse; the grass always seems greener the other side of the fence!

I am not raising this as an issue to make you stay somewhere that does not make you happy; it is truly soul destroying to know that you have to go through a working day in an almost automaton type manner in order not to allow yourself to get upset. This will more than likely lead to frustration which can then lead to you indulging in negative behaviour such losing your temper with people at home.

Distracting yourself with online gaming or alcohol can work against our long term benefit and/or health by allowing us to indulge for lengthy periods without examining why we are doing this.

We really need to ensure that we get positive gratification from the things that occupy vast periods of our daily life such as work. When we make a significant change to these things, we need to accept that they may not work. Back to the US Marines motto of: “Adapt, Improvise, Overcome”.

New jobs normally have a probation period; we can often forget that this is a two way street. If we don’t feel it’s right for us, we can move on. If anyone judges you for this, it’s their problem.

Do you feel you are stuck in a job or merely going through the motions for the sake of the monthly pay cheque?


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