Saturday Sounds 15th July 2023

July 15, 2023

Kids are both out today so I have the house to myself – oh yes!!

That lovely moment when you don’t have to do anything, but then you feel guilty momentarily for not doing something, especially when the job list is still there.

We all deserve some “me” time and I’m trying to learn that it’s OK not to be constantly beavering from morning until night.

And there’s no one to pull faces at me dancing in the kitchen, coz Mums aren’t really supposed to do that are they… so embarrassing.


A Bridge Too Far For Some..

Giving without expecting anything in return isn’t for everyone; we all lead busy lives and need our “head space” time, so this isn’t an issue,

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Work Life

What is a B Corp ?

I’ve heard the term bandied around for a while, but today I was in a break out room with someone who mentioned that they were

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