Saturday Sounds 2nd December 2023: This One’s For Fam

December 2, 2023

Today’s tune is unashamedly stolen from a mate and this post is for him.

I first met him on an online chat group about 18 months ago; a great guy with much banter, as you would expect from a leprechaun (that’s an Irishman to anyone who doesn’t follow rugby and folklore!). Always up for giggles and general mickey taking in the best sense.

Today marks the first year anniversary of him going into rehab, the momentous step of him choosing to do this as well as being open enough to tell us before he went offline for 6 weeks. It takes courage to recognise your life needs changing and be vulnerable enough to admit that openly to everyone. I hope no one judged him adversely for it and if they did, then it’s their loss for sure…

I can still remember him coming back online after he left the clinic and telling us about how it went and while I didn’t notice any change in his personality, I know this was a transformational period for him. I know he just wanted to be at peace with himself and remove the heavy burdens that he felt, something the staff had promised would happen and yet at the time, he didn’t really believe them.

Step two on the continuing road to recovery saw him adopting a big furball German Shephard called “Chance” (truly an apt name!); things seem to come into our lives at the right time given we are open enough to see them! Chance has had a few adventures since his first walk, including escaping from the back gate and going awol; he’s also chewed brooms, shoes and sofas! But I know my friend adores that fluffy eared pup and we all look forward to the regular pictures, especially the ones where he’s dragging half a tree home or giving kisses to the cows and horses.

A year on, my friend is pinching himself to see if his new life is just a dream. The best part is seeing him happy in the genuine sense of the word and that is so lovely; it’s not about the material stuff, but being “here” and making memories with his family, friends and Chancy of course!

I’m so proud of him and the person he has become today; someone who makes a point of saying hi every morning with a post that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face, even on a Monday morning!

Here’s to you meme master, nipple pegger Fam; your tunes alone have me wiggling around the room and I am so very pleased for you !

Bisoussssss mon pote 😊

Work Life

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