Trust Your Instincts

May 9, 2024

I am becoming more and more aware of what people are starting to call my “spidey sense”. You know that inner sinking feeling if something bad is going to happen; it’s so frustrating, because I can never identify what this might be from in advance, but it just leaves a pre-sentiment that something negative is likely to happen if that makes sense.

What I am reasonably good at, is reading people, providing I have no emotionally connection to  them (emotions sadly can mask the truth). My case in point today being someone who joined an online group I am a member of, but not admin. He was part of another group and seemed to only want to chat with the women; his comments bordered on being “sleezy” and in the new group, he’s always the first to pop up with a comment if women inadvertently post a picture which shows a bit of cleavage for example. It just feels voyeuristic and makes my skin crawl. I’m not sure if the group owner has noticed or not, but it won’t be long before he gets a PM from me pointing things out.

My spidey sense is more commonly referred to as “gut instinct,” or intuition, a sense of knowing or understanding something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning or logical analysis. It’s often described as a feeling or hunch that guides decision-making, even when there’s limited or no tangible evidence to support it.

The term “gut instinct” originates from the idea that the gut, or abdomen, is sometimes associated with feelings of intuition or a deep inner knowing. While intuition is often perceived as a vague or mysterious phenomenon, researchers believe it may be linked to subconscious processing of information, past experiences, and emotional cues.

Recent research suggests that the vagus nerve may play a role in the communication between the gut and the brain, influencing emotional and cognitive processes, including intuition. This communication pathway, known as the gut-brain axis, involves bidirectional signaling between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system.

The vagus nerve, also known as the “wandering nerve,” is the longest cranial nerve in the body and plays a crucial role in regulating many bodily functions, including heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate. It’s also involved in the communication between the brain and various organs, including the gut.

The gut contains a complex network of neurons known as the enteric nervous system (ENS), often referred to as the “second brain.” The ENS can function independently of the central nervous system but also communicates with the brain via the vagus nerve. This bidirectional communication allows the gut to send signals to the brain about its state, including information related to digestion, nutrient absorption, and gut microbiota.

Some researchers propose that gut instincts or intuitive insights may arise from the communication between the gut, the vagus nerve, and the brain. For example, when you experience a “gut feeling” about a decision or situation, it may be due to subconscious processing of information by the enteric nervous system, which then communicates this information to the brain via the vagus nerve.

Additionally, the vagus nerve plays a role in regulating emotional responses and stress. Activation of the vagus nerve, particularly the parasympathetic branch, is associated with relaxation, calmness, and emotional regulation. Therefore, a well-functioning vagus nerve may contribute to greater emotional awareness and sensitivity to gut instincts.

While the exact mechanisms underlying the relationship between the vagus nerve and gut instincts are still being studied, there is growing evidence to suggest that this neural pathway may play a significant role in intuitive processes and emotional well-being.

Gut instincts can manifest in various ways, such as:

  1. A Feeling of Certainty: You may feel a strong sense of certainty or conviction about a decision or course of action, even if you can’t explain why.
  2. Physical Sensations: Some people experience physical sensations in their gut, such as “butterflies” or a “sinking feeling,” that accompany intuitive insights or warnings.
  3. Immediate Reaction: Intuitive insights often occur rapidly and spontaneously, without conscious deliberation or analysis.
  4. Emotional Response: Intuition is closely linked to emotions, and gut instincts may evoke feelings of excitement, fear, discomfort, or reassurance.
  5. Subconscious Processing: Intuitive insights may arise from subconscious processing of information, memories, patterns, and associations that are not readily accessible to conscious awareness.

While gut instincts can be valuable in guiding decision-making, they’re not infallible and can sometimes lead us astray. It’s essential to balance intuition with critical thinking, rational analysis, and consideration of relevant information. By integrating both intuitive insights and logical reasoning, we may be able to make more informed and well-rounded decisions in various aspects of life. But that’s the logical side of my brain speaking …😂

What are your thoughts on “gut instinct”?