Winter Solstice

December 22, 2023

I don’t recall many conversations about the longest night of the year until recent years and wonder if this is something people are recognising or feeling able to voice?

Once temperatures start to drop, which can happen anything from the end of September onwards, I start to flag a little; just like it feels a bit harder to think about the days ahead. The reality of winter tends to set in once we have had the last British GT race of the year and the rugby autumn internationals have finished. I know many people look forward to Christmas, but over recent years, the holiday season has become more of a pressure.

I used to love the build up, writing  cards and those yearly letters to the people you always promise to yourself that you’re going to meet up with in the following year and then realise, once again, come the following December, that the months have gone past and all those plans to get together never came to fruition.

This year in particular, I am finding that many people I know seem to be wanting a very low key event with as little expense as  possible. It’s like we have all run out of steam and just don’t want to take on any more. My job list seems never ending and this year has been particularly challenging in many ways, as I am sure it has been for many of you.

I’ve decided to give myself a break for once and not worry about things that are not going to get done. I’ll pick up the phone instead and speak to those people I’ve missed card-wise. If anyone judges me for this, then it’s their problem.

I’ll end by wishing two dear friends a happy wedding anniversary – they were childhood sweethearts and married young. They deliberately picked today so that they would have the longest night of the year after their wedding… !